Is it time?
Here are two of my deepest beliefs about therapy:
1) Therapy can be powerful; it can be life-changing.
2) Therapy needs to be undertaken at the right time with the right person to be effective, impactive and a lasting tool in your life.
​My name is Shams and as a psychodynamic therapist with a passion for helping people, I am curious to see if you and I can be the right fit to make that leap into therapy. It is not always easy. Much like a hill walk in Scotland, the weather is not always predictable, there might be some bumpy terrain, and a few unexpected turns on the path. I can not be your guide - you are your own best guide, but I can promise to be a compassionate, understanding ally every step of the way. I will bring snacks, extra waterproofs, and we can take as many breaks as we need to on our way to the top. Let us walk together.
The view will be worth it!